Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tips for clear skin

If you are looking for radiant, clear skin,You will need daily skin maintenance and be wary of a over doing when following these simple skin tips

  • The most basic of clear skin tips is to WASH your face. You should use a mild antibacterial soap that is designed for the face. Antibacterial soaps will kills the bacteria that causes pimples. You should wash your face every morning when you wake up and also wash it every evening before bed as well. This is the easiest of the skin tips.
  • When you are styling your hair, you need to be very careful. You must make sure that hair spray and hair gel do not get on your face. If you see girls with a concentration of acne on their forehead this is one tip they miss out on.

  • Do not pop your pimples. It can be satisfying to pop pimples, and the temptation is certainly there. However, it is crucial that you follow this tip if you want beautiful skin. When you pop a pimple, the squeezing causes the skin around the pimple to become bruised. It won’t be bruised like a black eye, but there will be a slight discoloration. Also, when you pop your pimple, you spread around that bacteria on you face. This causes more pimples to form.
  • Moisturizing is very, very important.its a must to moisturize after you wash your face.

There are a few skin tips that you should avoid.
  • Some will advise you to wash your face up to six times a day. This can dry out your face. Dry skin is not clear and beautiful skin.

  • Another tip that is commonly promoted is to scrub your face. You need to be gentle when exfoliating. If you scrub your face too hard, you will force your pores to excrete oils as a protective measure. Those oils will clog your pores and cause acne.


  1. love the part about people over doing and causing more harm than good.
    thank a lot keep it up

  2. pls how can one handle an oily face. i have an oily face and i have used various kinds of powder ranging from mac,marykay,iman etc but b4 long i see d oil all over my face. pls wat can i use that would help me have a powdered face all day
