Monday, January 6, 2014

HUNGER GAMES: Catching Fire...... THE MAKEUP

This movie was exciting but it let me down at the end, i guess they were going for that suspense end that will leave you panting for the next HUNGER GAMES but for me it was a huge let down. i felt so deflated because they ended the entire movie when things started getting interesting. 
Well one thing i wasn't disappointed about was the makeup,  i loved it all. 


They had it all and it was done superb, even on the men- for real!- it was awesome. all through the movie i kept exclaiming about the makeup.

Please leave the a comment if any of you loved the makeups on this movie so i wont feel like a weirdo gushing over nothing, anyway it was great.

You all know i love you.


  1. The Post is really interesting and amazing, because it is not necassary to play games for time but can be played to learn something advance related to the real life activities. and same is the case with the make up games for girls

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